Treatment of 60 cases of uterine tumors without surgery in Al Ain Hospital .. using the technique of

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Al Ain Hospital has succeeded in treating 60 cases of uterine fibrosis with the “uterine fibroid embolization” method without surgical intervention to remove the uterus and its tumors after developing these alternative treatment techniques since its launch in the hospital more than a year ago, according to Dr. Talaat Diab, Deputy Medical Director at Al Ain Hospital.

Dr. Diab said: “This treatment technique is used by making a small hole in the patient’s skin the size of a pencil tip, for the doctor to insert a catheter through the femoral artery using the technique of guidance through imaging, where the specialist consultant directs the catheter through the artery and then releases very small particles the size of a grain The sand inside the blood vessels that feeds the fibroid and cuts off the blood flow, which leads to its contraction and calms to eliminate it,” noting that most women who have undergone such a treatment technique can return to their homes on the same day and lead their normal lives within a short period ranging from two days to Five days.

He explained that this procedure is carried out on a daily basis inside Al Ain Hospital, and the patient is under the influence of local anesthesia, not total, with pain control during and after the medical procedure, pointing out that the patient does not lose a large proportion of blood, pointing to the small size of the wound compared to surgical operations.

Dr. Talaat Diab pointed out that the alternative medical procedure, uterine fibroid embolization, to treat uterine tumors in women is the least painful for women seeking treatment for uterine fibroid tumors, which makes it an alternative treatment to the cumbersome surgeries to remove fibroids and uterine tumors, which are very dangerous and painful, which usually take time. long".

He noted that uterine fibroids are benign, but cause a heavy flow of blood during menstruation, which can cause anemia or require blood transfusions for the patient, in addition to severe pain.

He added: "Such tumors cause severe inconvenience to women, especially at night, such as the need to urinate quickly and continuously, which causes fatigue and fatigue for them. Therefore, alternative medical procedures for treatment by uterine fibrous embolization to treat tumors in the uterus contribute to stopping these problems permanently."

Dr. Jamal Al-Qutaish, Head of Diagnostic Radiology Departments at Al Ain Hospital said: “Some studies have shown that uterine fibroid embolization is a safe and effective treatment compared to hysterectomy, which reduces surgical risks, reduces the patient’s pain and reduces the time compared to surgical operations. “.

He pointed out that women should know the best treatment methods to eliminate fibroids, stressing that treatment by uterine fibroid embolization is an alternative to surgical operations to remove uterine fibroids and the uterus.

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